Creating a new referral through SOE/Exact

For ease and convenience, users may launch Rego from SOE/Exact. To create a New Referral from the Rego Icon please use the following steps:

  • Within SOE/Exact, locate and select the template named ‘NHS Referrals Rego’ or ‘NHS Referrals via Rego’ (this template will be saved under the ‘Template Letters’ section from a patient file)
  • Rego will either launch automatically or you will be required to click the ‘Rego’ Icon (located in the top right hand corner of the Word document)
  • Select the ‘User’ and ‘Referring Clinician’ from the drop-down lists
Please note:

Demographic information is used to determine the appropriate reasons for referral and services available to the patient. Should the patient be registered with a NHS practice that falls outside the CCG regions that Rego is commissioned, a message will appear advising that the patient is considered ‘Out of Area’ and that the services available may be restricted.

Please note, that according to the guidelines agreed by the local commissioners, patients who are not registered with an NHS GP practice can not be referred via this service. It is recommended that you discuss this with the patient and encourage them to register with a NHS GP practice. 

Once a referral has been successfully the user will be required to log in if they wish to view all referrals that have been sent.

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